Parenting in Magick
A magickal night during summer vacation filled with the stars, fireflies, and a bonfire. I got to stay up late for the first time…It's a favorite memory of mine, and one that sticks with me when I think about how magick was always a part of my life, even when I didn't know it.
Do you have childhood memories of growing up magickal? Are you teaching your children a different way of growing up, filled with magick, a love of nature and a polytheist perspective in life? Did you stop your kids from wandering through a mushroom circle, and how to pay proper respects to the good folk?
Whether you grew up pagan, or are raising children as little pagans now, I’m looking for stories. The In Magick series started with Living in Magick: Stories of everyday magick, paganism and witchcraft. My intention in these stories is the simple act of sharing our stories with the world- a literary version of hearth sharing. The pagan and witch community is large and growing, and it is through the sharing of stories that we connect, empower and teach. We don’t promote one way, but to each, our own way. Parenting in Magick is intended as a collection of stories about growing up surrounded by magick, and sharing that magick with the next generation.
Questions and Inquiries
Email me at liminalraven@gmail.com
Submission deadline
October 15, 2023
December 4, 2023 (extension)
Call for Submissions: Parenting in Magick
Liminal Raven Ministries is accepting submissions for an anthology tentatively entitled Parenting in Magick- Stories of Magickal Parents and Children
Personal essays, memories, and stories (up to 2,500 words) as well as poetry, rituals and prayers are welcome.
I’m looking for stories about creating and living magickal childhoods and raising pagan and witchy children. Stories and essays can be about parenting, or about being raised in a magickal family. From teaching, to playing in nature, sharing our spirituality, and exploring the magickal realms. Memories of magickal days and nights, life lessons and blessings.
Tentative topics will include the span of children’s lives- birth, babies, toddlers, children, adolescence. Stories of magick surrounding grandchildren are welcome. This is not limited to biological children- stories of adoption are also welcome. Magickal play and imagination, the great outdoors, facing adversity and prejudice, education, and learning.
I am also accepting original art and photography that reflects your interpretation of what it means to be “In magick” as a parent or a child. This can be children’s works of arts, or adult art reflecting about parenthood or childhood. Photography is accepted, however, all photographs must be shared with the consent of anyone in the photograph and only have pictures of your own children- no one else’s.
Art and photography should be sent in high resolution at least 300 DPI. DO NOT SUBMIT WORK THAT IS NOT YOUR OWN.
Edited by Sionainn McLean,
Cover Art by TBD
Scheduled publication: TBD (late Spring 2024)
Please also include a bio in the third person under 200 words.
Send your submissions to liminalraven@gmail.com with the subject “Parenting in Magick” by the new deadline of December 4, 2023. Please note that I cannot accommodate any late submissions or corrections.
Important information
Because of some difficulties that some of my writers were having, plus making the decision to participate in NaNoWriMo in November, I'd decided to extend my deadline to December 4, 2023. It would be helpful for authors interested in submitting pieces, please let me know by emailing me ASAP, but know that's not a requirement- pieces are welcome any time before the deadline!