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100 Days

Ack! It's 24 days into 2022 and this will be my first post of the new year! To be fair, I have the excuse that 2022 was not the best of starts for me, with some health issues and life changes that made thinking and blogging difficult. While I'm ok now, and with many knocks on wood, being on the mend, I can now hopefully resume life. It was a rough start!

Life has been sort of crazy for me. 2022 has been a very odd and difficult start, one that has left me a bit un-grounded and de-centered. I feel like my vision for 2022 was wiped away, and I was left a bit lost. These things happen, and through my studies and attempts to re-ground and re-center, my thoughts came back to that first 100 days project. One of the things I have found I want to find and use again is my creativity.

IG image that says Coming Soon, 100 days of Prompts
Coming soon! Februrary 13th!

I did my first 100 Days project back in 2020. I started it just as our lives were spun into chaos, and over the course of that 100 days, it was both a source of sanity and a coping mechanism. It was an amazing experience, even if I look back and shudder at my terrible art. <insert LOL emote here> If you want to find it, you can find it under the hashtag #chocosjournal (and under my personal Instagram fatchocobomom- I didn't have Liminal Raven yet!) Full disclosure- I did not do it at the same time as the official #The100DayProject though that was my inspiration at the time. I believe I found a video on skillshare that made me want to play along. When I came across the idea though, it really resonated with me and I found I had to do it.

I’ve decided to do another one this year, although this one will be a tiny bit different. I’m hoping the prompts will be a bit simpler, mostly one word prompts that can interpreted in different ways. We are, after all, different people with different visions of the world. And it’s both an art journaling project, as well as a spiritual one. It’s an invitation into mindfulness, creativity, and exploration, of both the self, the shadow self, and the Divine, in whatever form that word means to you.

Mixed media paper, folded into signatures and ready for art!
I've already got my paper ready! 128 pages, which I'll bind when all 100 days are done.

For my own project, my canvas will be a lot smaller. The 2020 project, I was using a big 7 x 10 inch mixed media notebook (it ended up being 2 50 page notebooks!) I love mixed media, and plan to use that again, but on a smaller scale. I took 18 x 24 inch mixed media pages, and tore/folded into 11 x 14ish pages. I plan to work my own binding later, and create my own book.

I want this to be a rich experience, something that you connect with, and not just something to do mindlessly (though, maybe that’s what you need, and you certainly can do that!) If you can, I want you to meditate on the word. What does it invoke within you, what are your first thoughts and feelings? What is the first image that comes to mind? And I hope, sometimes the prompt leads you down a rabbit hole of self discovery. Maybe a word will resonate with you, or the work you do ignites something within. Maybe it will trigger something within your shadow, and I hope you can dig deep and settle that shadow into a healthier relationship within.

What if you can’t draw? Well, everyone can draw. Maybe it’s not top level artist work (Mine is not, for certain!) but that shouldn’t stop you. Art is doing, it’s not always beautiful or perfection. It comes from our hearts and souls. So don’t be shy. However, I get it- if you don’t want to do art, journal with words. Let the word guide your pen, whether you write your thoughts, create a story or poem.

Simply put, the only rule is that there are no rules.

The Prompts

1. Beginning

2. Gratitude

3. Thoughts

4. A word that resonates with you

5. Winter

6. Soul

7. Path

8. I am

9. Blue

10. Geometry

11. The Weather

12. Poetry

13. Stars

14. Power

15. Pocket

16. Emotion

17. Fire

18. Tears

19. Bubble

20. Balance

21. Peace

22. Red

23. Discovery

24. Song

25. Faith

26. Friend

27. Black

28. White

29. Grow

30. Whisper

31. Your favorite word

32. Spring

33. Magic

34. Nowhere

35. Ecstasy

36. Love

37. Hate

38. Bloom

39. Earth

40. Soil

41. Dark

42. Orange

43. Inspiration

44. Sunset

45. Story

46. Abstract

47. Moon

48. Philosophy

49. Goal

50. Storm

51. Summer

52. Dream

53. Fight

54. Fear

55. Metamorphosis

56. Muse

57. Vision

58. Shine

59. Green

60. Sacred

61. Past

62. Present

63. Future

64. Life

65. Kiss

66. Nourishment

67. Pinwheel

68. Rainbow

69. Death

70. Tea

71. Weakness

72. Water

73. Opposite

74. Touch

75. Prophecy

76. Clouds

77. Purple

78. Rain

79. Spiral

80. Justice

81. Spirit

82. Passage

83. Face

84. The Universe

85. Flowers

86. Blessing

87. Curse

88. Grey

89. Joy

90. Flood

91. Renew

92. Autumn

93. Feather

94. Wild

95. Bold

96. Quiet

97. Freedom

98. Phase

99. Hurt

100. The end

Part 1 of the prompt list- prompts 1-50!

Part 2 of the prompt list- #51- 100!

I was incredibly proud my first 100 days project. If you have not done one yet, you might surprise yourself on how it’s both very easy to do if you are committed and have a solid plan to do it, and yet how hard it can be- 100 days is a long time. I was committed to the task though. It was hard. I started March 25, although I had the plan and the prompts ready weeks beforehand ready. That was also the same time Covid hit NY and lockdown began. In that time, we went through all the emotions and events of that year. I lost a good friend on day 34. Things that were important to me ended up being cancelled, and there was a lot of unknown going on. That first 100 days journaling project granted me some sanity and purpose. It was incredibly therapeutic.

From 2020's 100 Days- an example of what my pages looked like.

It's also fun because it gave a chance to explore various art techniques and mediums. I did watercolor, acrylic, gouache, alcohol ink markers, calligraphy, colored pencils, and I mixed them at times. I didn't focus a lot on technique last time, so maybe this time, with a smaller canvas, I will. I already have a huge list of youtube art journaling videos I want to watch, and have a list of inspiration that I'd like to try. Not only are all the prompts an opportunity to rabbit hole, so is the actual art!

The first day will be February 13, 2022. I don’t promise it’ll be helpful to anyone, but I’m a huge believer that things are what you make them. I have set the intention into this work for myself that not only will it be beautiful and beneficial for my soul and spirit and creativity, it’ll be fun and something worth doing. And I've weaved in the intention that anyone seeking and participating will find their own peace and divine message, if they listen for it. If you want to play along, use any of the hashtags #ChocosJournal #100DaysOfJournaling #LiminalRavenMinistries #JournalOfMe #JournalMagic #JournalingPrompts

I'll be posting more information on my instagram, so if you don't follow me, you should! I'm so excited about this- I already regret not starting it February 1!! I'm itching to (st)art!


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