Apr 117 min5 Random Things about Me and 5 Pet PeevesIt’s that time of year where my creativity is lowest, and my SAD is highest. March and April is the tail end of a marathon, where I am so...
Jan 233 minIt's OK.This is the start of a new series of blog posts- my mediation series. These posts are ones I have written after a meditation, asking the...
Jul 18, 20232 minSummer UpdatesThis is just a short update of what’s going on over on my end. Living in Magick is published, as you know! You can get your copy here, or...
Apr 27, 20236 minSpiritual First AidI’ve been working a ton since graduating on the anthology- and I’m so excited that it’s done. It’s just the waiting game now as it’s...
Mar 27, 20234 minEndings are BeginningsThis is just a short little post because I graduated!! Have you ever had a goal that became your singular focus, so that when it was...
Jan 25, 20234 minSpiritual DivinaI’m going to apologize in advance because I think over the course of the next few months, I’ll be promoting and talking about the...
Mar 8, 20224 minSacred Journeys, shared.I'm now a whole year into the Cherry Hill Seminary Spiritual Direction program, and that means that I get to take clients over the course...